Build A Website In Minutes - Free Website Builder | An easy way to create a blog site

How To Start a Blog For Free

Build A Website In Minutes - Free Website Builder | An easy way to create a blog site

How to Start a blog for beginners

Many people want to op en a blog site for free but many do not know how to build a website for free. Today I will try to show you the easy way to create a blog site.
How to make money from that free blog site or website has been discussed.
Blogging is a very familiar word to all of us in recent times.

Because blogging is considered as one of the main sources of income in today's net world. However, those who are completely new to the world of blogging often have to deal with a lot of problems related to blogging.

Ways to open a blog site for free

So considering that aspect, I am going to discuss with you in today's article how you can easily create a free blog site using
There are many of us who love to write and want to enrich our careers by writing on online platforms. So blogging may be the best medium for you.

But for this we will all need our own personal blogsite. Where you can post your writing as you wish and earn money as well.
But the sad thing is that those of us who are brand new may not know the rules for opening a blog site or even if we do know we are more interested in how to create a free blog site.

Because most of us don't want to spend a lot of money in the first place or it is not possible to spend.
So today's article gives a complete idea about how you can easily create a perfect blog site without spending any money.

So keep reading the whole article carefully.
Many types of software are now providing them with the facility to create a personal blog site for free. is one of them.
So in today's article you are going to learn how to create a free blog site using
But before that, I would like to clear some ideas about the blog for you. In today's article, you will learn about the following:

  1. What does blog mean?
  2. Blogging is a way to make money.
  3. What is and why use Blogger.
  4. How to create a free blogger blog?
  5. Article Index:
  6. What does blog mean,
  7. what is blog,
  8. Why blog,
  9. why you will do blogging
  10. What are the ways to make money from blogging?
  11. Earnings from affiliate marketing
  12. What is a blogger,what is blogger Platform
  13. Why use Blogger Blog,
  14. What are the requirements for creating a blog site on Blogger?
  15. How do I on free blog create a Blogger?
  16. Rules for creating blogs,
  17. Blogger Dashboard Introduction
  18. Ways to get more visitors to the blog
  19. What does blog mean,

What is a blog

In simple terms, a blog is an online based journal or diary. Which is privately managed by one person.
Blog is basically a Bengali synonym of the English word blog. The English word blog is an acronym for weblog.
In this case, the person who writes or posts on the blog is known as a blogger. He posts content on his own blogsite or website as he wishes.

There users can read the content, receive the necessary services and submit their own comments.
In the present age, due to the availability and convenience of internet, blog has become known as a popular medium of online based journalism. Because it is now possible to make money very easily.

Almost all types of blogs are text based. Which provides customers with ideas or information on a specific topic. However, there are other different types of blogs. Such as- art blog, photo blog, video blogging, mp3 blog etc.

Moreover, there is another blogging system called micro-blogging where the size of the post is relatively small. So far there are numerous blogs scattered online.
The journey of online blogging in Bengali language started for the first time in 2005. In recent times, the popularity of blogging in Bengali language is growing very fast.

why you will do blogging

One of the main goals of each of us in the journey of life is to enrich our career as much as possible. In today's age of information technology, building your own career online is a very popular and effective medium.

Blogging is one of them

This is a great medium for those who love to write and want to build a career through writing.
With this you can easily earn money and establish yourself as successful or successful.

Moreover, it will also help in developing your talent. However, you can earn money just by writing a blog. There are many ways to do this.The best Google Adsense is them among.
However, you have to work hard to make your blog suitable for getting Google Adsense. Because it is not possible to achieve anything without hard work.

For this you need to be very diligent, hardworking and patient.
Although blogging is very easy these days, there are some things you need to keep in mind to get Google AdSense.

For example, your blog site must have some necessary pages such as About us, Contact us, terms and conditions, disclaimer, privacy policy, etc.
Must have necessary and good quality posts.

Because if there are no visitors, you will not have income and you must have good content for visitors in your blog.
Then you will get Google AdSense (AdSense) very easily and in less time and you will be able to earn money.

Today millions of people around the world are earning thousands of dollars through blogging alone.
Because blogging is no longer limited to the English language. Blogging is now available in most languages ​​of the world. So very it is  to make money easy.

It will also help you develop your talent and blogging is something that you can do at home through your computer or laptop. You just be more have to help you render toward other discriminating with the people.

Because you can't make money right away or be a successful blogger overnight. must You comply privacy policy with Google's.
But when the money starts coming to you through it, you will realize the importance of it yourself.

What are to make money the ways from blogging

The main goal and purpose of most of us who blog or want to do is to earn money. But for that you need to be very aware of its sources.
Because if you don't have a complete idea about these things, you will never be able to earn the amount of money you expect. You have to have a total idea about all the ways. So let's find out now.

Earnings from Google Adsense

Revenue from Google Adsense (Google Adsense): The biggest way to earn money through blogging is google adsense, so you may have a question, what is Google Adsense?
Well, when you visit a blog site or website, you will see that while viewing an article, there is a kind of advertising show like the image below.

google adsense ads

The two signs you see in the top right corner of the image are an advertisement. These ads are originally provided by Google.
But Google will not automatically show their ads on your blog. For this they will pay you and that will be the income of your blogging.

Earnings from affiliate marketing

Affiliate Marketing: This can be one of the biggest sources of income for you if you use it properly.
The thing is, suppose you write an article about a product or service and post it and refer it to a company.

So when thousands of visitors come to your site then maybe someone bought the product from that company.
Then you will also get commission from the dividend of that product on behalf of that company.

For example, suppose you post an article about mobile banking and then refer it to the cash company. So some visitors started taking their service from there. Then you too will start getting a commission from that cash company.

Earnings by selling backlinks

Backlink selling: Suppose someone has started a new website. In that case you can share the link on your blog for marketing the website. They will pay you a certain amount for this.

Earnings by promoting business

Business Promoting: At this stage a new local business can pay you to promote their marketing.
And in that case your job will be to promote their business only through your blog.
So friends! I hope you understand how to make money from blogging.

What is a blogger, what is blogger Platform

Blogger is basically a free hosting service of google which provides the facility to create free blogsite. Anyone using it can easily open a free blog site.
That means you don't have to spend any money on it.
Just a few rules or procedures to follow very well. So if you follow the article correctly, you can create a free blog site without taking any help from anyone.

Why use Blogger Blog

Friends! There are many platforms in the net world from which you can create a blog site. However, not all of them will give you free service. Some of them are free and some are paid.
But since we want to create a free blog site, we have to choose a free hosting. But those of you who are brand new will naturally go after a dilemma that using any hosting you can open a free blog site.

So I will tell you that you can close your eyes and take the help of to create a free blog site. Because since we will create a free blog site, I would say blogger ( is the best for you. Now let's see why the guys are the best.

Blogger is a platform that will give you a completely free service. So for those who don't want to spend any money initially, Blogger is the first choice.
Since Blogger is a platform of Google, it is considered almost 100% trustworthy.

In Blogger Blog you will get a subdomain for free. So you do not have to spend any extra money to buy a domain. You can manage your blog using this subdomain (
The system for opening a blog on Blogger is very simple. So anyone can create and use a free blog site without any experience.

In Blogger Blog you will find some very nice themes. With which you can make your blog site very interesting.
Blogger will give you the opportunity to apply for Google AdSense. That's why you can easily earn money by applying to google ads.
So today we will learn how to create a free blog site using Blogger Blog. So keep reading the article carefully till the end.

What are the requirements for creating a blog site on Blogger

So the first question you may have is, what might you need to open a blog site using Blogger. case this In, the is quite matter simple.
So as I said before, since it is a product controlled by google, it is very reliable and hassle free. So the most important of all the things you may need periodically is a g-mail or google account.

That is, without a gmail account, but you can not create a blogsite. So if you do not have a Gmail ID, first open a Gmail account, which is a very easy thing.
So let's not talk too much about how to create a free blog site on Blogger.

How create do I blog on a free Blogger

In order to create a blog in blogger, first you need to have a computer or laptop or mobile with internet connection and as mentioned earlier, you must have a Google or g-mail account,

Rules for creating blogs

If you follow the rules I am going to tell you about right now, you can successfully create a blog site for yourself whenever you want.

So let's learn about the rules.

Step-1: This is the first step in your activities. First you need to access the website from any browser. After going, you will see like the picture below.

Ways to create a free blog site

This is basically a Blogger home page. Now at the bottom of the page where you have to click on "Create your blog" or Sing in.
After clicking this button you will see a page called google gmail login page.
Here you must first log in to your Google Account.
So in this case all you have to do is login with your Gmail ID and password.

Gmail login to Blogger

After logging in with your Gmail and Password, you will see some steps like below that you have to fill in correctly.
At this stage, after entering the website, a page like the image page below will open in front of you.

Here is the title of my website or blog bangla it blog. Give the title of your blog to the blog you open. No matter Bengali or English, then click Next. However, it is better to give the title of your blog in line with the blog.

Enter your title on Blogger

Title This title will basically give you an idea about your blog first. So write a short article about your blog in this place.
Now login to Google Account with your g-mail ID and a strong password on this Account login page.

Remember that logging in to your Gmail account here means logging in to Blogger's account. You no longer need to log in or sign up for Blogger separately.
Step-2: You will see a box to give the address for the blog site. Address At this point you will be asked to provide a URL (A Uniform Resource Locator) address of your Blogger blog.

Name your blog

In this case you have to give a blog address which is completely available. Because a blog site cannot be opened with any unavailable name.
So if your URL address is available then you will see the text "the blog address is available". In other words, you can open the blog site with the address of your blog, then click Save.

The address or name of your blog site will be - Here the name of your blog will be in place of blog name.
For example, the name of my blog is but then you can set any custom domain if you want. Custom domain is to buy that domain.
There are many more domains, such as .com, .in, .info, .org.

Step-3: In this step you will be asked to set your profile name. This means that after publishing the article on the blog, you have to write the name that you will see. You see can it like below the picture.

Enter the admin name of your blog

Here my language has changed to Bengali. Whether it is Bengali or English, you have to enter your name and click on the red mark.
After that you will see the dashboard of Blogger Blog. Blog became your free blogger blog site.
After that, when you want to go to the blog as an admin blogger, then if you log in to with Gmail ID, you will be automatically logged in to Blogger.

So now that you have created a free blog, you must visit the View Blog at the bottom of the dashboard to view your blog site.
Moreover, to see the name of the blog site you opened, type in any browser and visit, you can see what happened to your blog site.

Now we have created our own blog site but I don't know which one to use. Then you can see from the screenshot below and from the different details of each one you can understand which function of the blog dashboard is to be used for which purpose.

Keep reading our full article for details.
Blogger Dashboard Introduction
Here are the points of each function for your convenience:
New Post: If you click here to write a new article on your blog site, you will get the article writing dashboard. In other words, to make a new post, you have to click on this New Post.

Posts: You can see the list of all the posts you have posted on your blog site from this Posts function. You can update all new or old posts after clicking on this post function.

stats: With this function you will get all the information about the posts on your blog site i.e. how many visitors come to your website every day. You will get all the information about how many pageviews are there or how many visitors you get from any post from here.

comments: The function of the option is to find out the total number of comments on your blog and the number of comments per post. And if there is any spammy comment, you can remove it or you can also edit the comments from this option.

Earnings: This option is mainly used for Google AdSense, that is, if your website or blog has enough visitors and content, then after applying to Google AdSense, you will get the AdSense related function from here.
pages: From here, the necessary pages for the blog are created, that is, you can create contracts for your website or blog, privacy policy, about us and other important pages.

In addition, other tasks are required to create pages and he can do all the blog pages from the options.
Layout: Layout function is used to fully customize the blog site.
This means that the layout option is used to customize your blog, add new things, or remove unnecessary options.

Theme: The function is very important because from here you can customize various things including uploading the required themes for your blog site. This option is used to upload new themes or change the design of your blog.

In addition, from here you can easily edit your theme and find the necessary code.
Settings: I hope you understand what can be done from here. Even after that I say you can do all the work of setting your blog from here. You can even change the name of your blog and do other necessary work from here.

Reading List: If you have subscribed to a blogger site here, you will see the site's posts on that blog after clicking here. And if you have not subscribed to any blog site, then you can see the articles on the official blog site of Blogspot.

Help: This is mainly used for those who need to contact Google Blogger developers and can point out your problems. In general, this medium is used to communicate with the developers of Blogger.
View Blog: Click here to see what your Blogger Blog looks like or will look like.

And this is the discussion of the short functions of the blog. If you want to know more, you must let us know in the comment box. I will publish another article if you want.

If you want you can start blogging through the subdomain provided by Blogger but if you want to make your blog a brand size then you must buy a custom domain and read it. This will increase the attractiveness of your blog.

So if you follow the above topics properly and work in the right way, then you can easily create a free blog site.
I hope you don't have to worry about creating a blog site this time.
If you want to see yourself as a successful blogger, you need to keep a few more things in mind. I am trying to describe the issues beautifully and fluently for your convenience.

oper and effective niche for your blog site. Because there are so many types it's hard to say. But you have to choose the one that has the most demand among them.
Remember that before you start a blog, you have to do a lot of research. You have to choose a nice one. It would be best if you write an article on a blog site with a niche.

Also make sure that your blog is unique and that your posts are effective. Then the number of visitors to your page will continue to increase
Another important thing is that your blog is full of keywords. For this you can do research on the net with patience and time. You some can use to tools do this.

Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest. These two tools are the best I can say in one word. You can try and see.
The second thing you need to keep in mind is that your blog should be 100% SEO (Search Engine Optimization) based.

This means that you need to find keywords related to the topic of your blog that have been searched 100-1000 times a month. Now you write SEO based post on your topic.
When writing a blog, pay close attention to the blog. Get in the mood to do enough research and gather information on the topic.

Because the more informative your blog is, the more viewers it will have.
Try to write a blog in 2000 plus words and write in such a way that visitors are attracted to your writing.
Keep up the creativity in writing. Arrange titles and subtitles very neatly and keep posting on the site regularly
Then the number of visitors to your site will continue to grow rapidly and you will be able to earn income easily.

My last words

If you follow the above mentioned topics properly then I hope you will not have any problem related to blog and you can easily create a blogger blog.
Then stick to it with patience and hard work.
Then one day you too will see your name next to other successful bloggers in the world. Your success is in your own hands.

So stick with patience and courage. Hopefully, after reading this article, there will be no more questions or problems about creating a blog site.
However, if you have any questions, you can ask in the comment box. We hope to hear from you soon.

If you like today's free blogging site article, you can definitely share it with your friends so that they too can earn money by opening a free blog site like yours.

Introduction: Friends, if you make a mistake in writing, you will be forgiven ! If you need any suggestions, please let me know via email ! Please share the post, give others a chance to know. Thanks for staying ......

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